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Ahmad Rteil
Assistant Professor (Tenure)
Civil, School of Engineering
Office: EME 3237Phone: 250.807.9626
Email: ahmad.rteil@ubc.ca
Graduate student supervisor

Research Summary
Study the effect of concrete deterioration and steel corrosion on the behaviour of concrete structures; Repair and strengthening existing structures using composite materials (FRP, FRCM, TRM); Study post-consumer waste products in concrete
Courses & Teaching
APSC 261 Theory of Structures; ENGR 326 Structural Analysis; ENGR 427 Reinforced Concrete Design II; ENGR 429/ ENGR 529 Rehabilitation of Concrete Structures; ENGR 527 Prestressed Concrete
Dr. Rteil has an extensive experience in the design, evaluation and repair of infrastructure systems, with an emphasis on reinforced and prestressed concrete structures. He conducted several research projects related to the use of fibre reinforced polymer (FRP) and fabric reinforced cementitious matrix (FRCM) materials to strengthen reinforced concrete (RC) structures under different loading and environmental conditions.
PhD – Civil Engineering (Structural)- University of Waterloo, ON
MEng – Civil Engineering (Structural)- American University of Beirut, Lebanon
BEng – Civil Engineering- American University of Beirut, Lebanon
Selected Publications & Presentations
Refereed Journal
- Soudki, K.A.; Rteil, Ahmad; Al-Hammoud, R. and Topper, T.H. 2007. “Fatigue Strength of FRP Repaired Corroded Beams.” Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 34, #3, March, p. 414-421. (Invited)
- Rteil, Ahmad; Soudki, K.A. and Topper T.H. 2007. “Preliminary Experimental Investigation of the Fatigue Bond Behaviour of CFRP Confined RC beams.” Construction and Building Materials Journal, Vol. 21, # 4, April, pp. 746-755. (Invited)
- Hamad, B.S.; Soudki, K.A.; Harajli, M.H. and Rteil, Ahmad. 2004. “Experimental and Analytical Evaluation of the Bond Strength of Reinforcement in FRP Wrapped HSC Beams.” ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 101, # 6, November, pp. 747-754.
- Harajli, M.H.; Hamad, B.S. and Rteil, Ahmad. 2004. “Effect of Confinement on Bond Strength between Steel Bars and Concrete.” ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 101, # 5, September, pp. 595-603.
- Harajli, M.H. and Rteil, Ahmad. 2004. “Effect of Confinement using FRP or FRC on Seismic Performance of Gravity Load-Designed Columns.” ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 101, #1, Jan-Feb, pp. 47-56.
- Hamad, B.S.; Rteil, Ahmad. and El-Fadel, M. 2003. “Effect of Used Engine Oil on Properties of Fresh and Hardened Concrete.” Construction and Building Materials Journal, Vol. 17, #5, July, pp. 311-318.
- Hamad, B.S. and Rteil, Ahmad. 2003. “Effect of Used Engine Oil on Structural Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Elements.” Construction and Building Materials Journal, Vol. 17, #3, April, pp. 203-211.
Refereed Conference Proceedings (Full Paper Review)
- Rteil, Ahmad; Soudki, K. and Topper, T. 2008. “CFRP Repair of Corrosion-Damaged Bond Region.” Fourth International Conference on FRP Composites in Civil Engineering (CICE 2008), July 22-24, Zurich, Switzerland
- Rteil, Ahmad; Soudki, K. and Topper, T. 2007. “Confinement Effect of CFRP Sheets on the Bond between Concrete and Steel Subjected to Repeated Loading.” Eighth International Symposium on FRP Reinforcement for Concrete Structures (FRPRCS-8), July 16-18, Patras, Greece, on CD ROM.
- Rteil, Ahmad; Soudki, K. and Topper, T. 2007. “Effect of CFRP Sheets on the Corroded Steel-Concrete Bond Subjected to Repeated Loading.” Third International Conference on Durability & Field Applications of FRP Composites for Construction (CDCC 2007), May 22-24, Quebec City, QC, pp 287-294.
- Soudki, K.; Rteil, Ahmad; McCuaig, L. and Stephenson, J. 2007. “FRP Repair of a Corroded Girder in the Scheifele Bridge.” Third International Conference on Durability & Field Applications of FRP Composites for Construction (CDCC 2007), May 22-24, Quebec City, QC, pp. 377-384.
- Hamad, B.S. and Rteil, Ahmad. 2003. “Study of the Effect of Used Engine Oil on Concrete.” International Conference on Performance of Construction Materials in the New Millennium, February 18-20, Cairo, Egypt, on CD ROM.
- Hamad, B.S.; Soudki, K.A. and Rteil, Ahmad. 2001. “GFRP Wraps for Confinement of Bond Critical Regions in Beams.” Composites in Construction International Conference (CCC 2001), October 10-12, Porto, Portugal, pp. 187-192.